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发布人:  发布日期:2022年03月16日









Jiang, Y., Wang, X.Q. & Yuen, K.F.*, 2021. Augmented reality shopping application usage: The influence of attitude, value, and characteristics of innovation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63, 102720. SSCIJCR分区一区,IF=7.135.(第一作者)

Jiang, Y., Lai, P.*, Chang, C. H., Yuen, K. F., Li, S. & Wang, X., (2021). Sustainable management for Fresh Food E-Commerce Logistics Services. Sustainability, 13(6), 3456. SSCI/SCIJCR分区二区,IF=3.251.(第一作者)

Jiang, Y.& Zhao, J. J., (2021). Consumer Psychological Factors that Affect Chinese Donation Satisfaction and Continuous Donation Intention with Food Banks. Journal of International Trade & Commerce, 17(1), 131-152.韩国KCI (Korea Citation Index)核心.(第一作者)

Jin, H. J. &Jiang, Y.*, (2020). A study on factors affecting citizen’s willingness to donate to Food Bank. KOREAN JOURNAL OF FOOD MARKETING ECONOMICS, 37(2), 19-49.韩国KCI (Korea Citation Index)核心.(通讯作者、导师外第一作者)


SSCI期刊《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》、《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》、《Learning and Individual Differences》的审稿人,一般国外期刊《Continuity & Resilience Review》的审稿人。


Yi Jiang,

Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor of Suzhou University.

Office Address:Doctoral Research Office, Business School of Suzhou University, Suzhou,Anhui, China, 341300

Academic work email: jiang_yi@ahszu.edu.cn

Private Email: y_jiang_ch@163.com


Ph.D. in Economics, School of Economics, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, August 2020

M.A. in Department of Business Administration, Daejin University, Korea, February 2015

B.A. in Department of Business Administration, Daejin University, Korea,August 2012

Major Research Areas:

Consumer economy; Behavioral Economics and Consumer Behavior; Retail and Logistics Economy; Charity Economy etc.


Assistant Professor, Business School of Suzhou University, Nov.2021 - present.

Selected Publications:

Jiang, Y., Wang, X.Q. & Yuen, K.F.*, 2021. Augmented reality shopping application usage: The influence of attitude, value, and characteristics of innovation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 63, 102720. SSCI,IF=7.135,JCR Q1.

Jiang, Y., Lai, P.*, Chang, C. H., Yuen, K. F., Li, S. & Wang, X., (2021). Sustainable management for Fresh Food E-Commerce Logistics Services. Sustainability, 13(6), 3456. SSCI/SCI,IF=3.251, JCR Q2.

Jiang, Y.& Zhao, J. J., (2021). Consumer Psychological Factors that Affect Chinese Donation Satisfaction and Continuous Donation Intention with Food Banks. Journal of International Trade & Commerce, 17(1), 131-152. KCI (Korea Citation Index), in Korean.

Jin, H. J. &Jiang, Y.*, (2020). A study on factors affecting citizen’s willingness to donate to Food Bank. KOREAN JOURNAL OF FOOD MARKETING ECONOMICS, 37(2), 19-49. KCI (Korea Citation Index), in Korean. (Corresponding Author

Teaching courses undertaken:

<Principles of Economics>, <Behavioral Economics>, <Consumer Behavior>etc.


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